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ERP Business Process Management

The Essentials of Business Process Management and Your ERP

By:  Jesse Salzwedel

While running a business, there are several objectives an owner needs to do while attempting to gain a profit. One of the most important things is being able to multitask and supervise at all ends of the spectrum. Whether that be sales, marketing, or communications, it is crucial that an owner is aware of his company at all times.

However, one section tends to get looked over, and because of this, problems often occur. Business process management (BPM) is a section that each company should be improving on a day-to day basis. This section is responsible for defining a company's problems, and creating ways to get rid of these complications.

There are a number of business process problems that occur in today's world, and it seems that although companies grow more aware of them, they don't do much to stop them. The following paragraphs will list some of the problems that modern businesses face:

Lack of technological improvement:

Nowadays, many companies are refusing to input all documents on some sort of e-file, and continue to keep their information on physical paper. Although this isn't a bad idea, it can lead to data theft, human error, and even lost files. If a company switches to digital information, it can be accessed from multiple locations and organized in a much simpler way.


This may sound like a confusing statement, but its meaning is crucial to a business. A company needs to be defensive and prepared for when things don't go as expected. Many companies take huge hits when they aren't prepared and their plan is disrupted. In order to cope with this action, it is wise for a company to create some sort of plan or method to act on when the worst occurs.


One of the most important aspects in any business is giving the client or customer whatever they want in the quickest and most efficient way possible. This being said, many companies are unaware that their speed of delivery could improve. Not only could the speed of delivery to the client be improved, but other aspects within the company can be enhanced as well. In order to increase efficiency, companies should create plans that can adapt easily to the constant change of the business world.

It is vital for companies to pay attention to what stakeholders want and need, because these individuals have a big impact on the firm's financial position. Many businesses aren't aware of a stakeholder's needs when in reality this should be a top priority. Because they play such a crucial role, it is important to keep them satisfied to prevent concerns from appearing that can ultimately throw off the potential of a specific implementation or business action.



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