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TEKOA Software: Stock the Shelves using WMS for Inventory

An introduction to Inventory in the TEKOA ERP for Inventory Management

What a company has to offer is essentially the most important thing about that company. Therefore, TEKOA ERP has brought you an Inventory solution to fit and accommodate your needs for your Inventory.


To start, the inventory Item section located under the Inventory Tab in the navigation panel shows the user a list of all items currently in your businesses inventory.  The user can easily sort any of the inventory items by clicking on the column headers. This will sort each column either by numerical order or alphabetical order. Each inventory item is broken down by item code, title, type, status, division, category, unit, list price, and standard price. Item code is assigned by the user or is already pre-assigned. Each item has an assigned type, either bill, kit, nonstock, service, and standard. The status of each item will either be active, inactive, new, or storage.
Active items are items that are currently in your businesses inventory, inactive items or unavailable items are items no longer in inventory, new items are items that have been recently added to your company’s inventory, and storage items are inventory items that are currently being stored away and are not considered active inventory items. The division will specify what division the item belongs to. View the Division section of the guide for help on creating a new division. The category component is which category the inventory item belongs to (i.e., raw materials). The inventory items unit is how the item is measured, for instance by the yard or by the spool. The standard price is a Pre-established uniform price for a good or service, based on its historical price, replacement cost, or an analysis of its competitive position in the market. The inventory item’s list price is the price in which your business is currently selling this item for.

ERP Software for Midsize Business

Creating a New Item

To create a new inventory item, click the “Create Item” button in the inventory item dashboard. On the proceeding page, the user can input information regarding a new item they would like to add to the businesses inventory. The user can choose to select an image for the item by clicking on the “Select File” button, then browsing to the image they wish to upload for the item. The item code can be preassigned, or assigned by the user. The tile can be anything the user wishes to name the item. The user must select the type, status, division, and category of the item, these have been covered in the Item section above. The valuation method for the item will be either standard, FIFO, LIFO, lot, or serial. To see a definition of each valuation method, visit the Glossary at the end of this manual. The tax class for the new item will be either taxable or non-taxable based on its eligibility. The user may also select a pricing type for the item. Be sure to correctly enter the list price (if known), the standard cost, and the standard price. Click the “Create Item” button to complete the initial process of adding a new item to the system.

Item Details

After the user has completed the initial process of adding a new item to the system, the user will be prompted to add detail to the item in question. After clicking “Save Changes” the proceeding screen will summarize the information entered in the main tab, and will have 12 additional tabs for the user to add details and additional information to the item.

The Additional tab allows the user to enter vary specify detail about the item. The user will have the option to generate a universal product code (UPC) in this section. The user can also enter the EAN-13, which is an identifying international barcode number for the item or product. HTS code can also be added to the item in the additional section. UPC, EAN-13, and HTS are defined in the glossary of this manual. Other details that can be added to the item in the additional tab are size, style, color, color description, make, model, material content, season, country of origin, manufacturer, mfgID, model type name, width, height, and length, all of which should be rather self-explanatory.
The quantity tab displays all data about item quantity for items that are already existing and have data in the system. If no data exits the dashboard will display “No data available in table”. You can sort the quantity data by clicking on the column headers. Data can be sorted alphabetically or numerically. The quantity tab will display the warehouse location, bin, quantity available, quantity on hand, quantity on sales order, and quantity on purchase order.

Item Options

The options tab allows the user to view and create options groups. These groups can be used as presets for the added inventory item. You can either create a new options group by clicking the “Add New Options Group” on the options page, or you can import previously created options group by clicking on the “Copy Options Group” button.

When creating an options group, the user must enter a title for the options group, an option group code (which is assigned by the user), the type (whether optional or required), and the status (active or inactive). One you are satisfied, click the “Create Item Option Group” button to finish the process. 
The components tab allows the user to input all of the necessary components of the product. Components are selected from a pre-populated list of items that has been entered by the user and is stored in the systems database. To add a new component to the product, simply click the “Add New Component” button to get starter. Select the component from the drop down list of item Ids. The rest of the fields should automatically pre-populate when the user makes an item selection. Click the “Create Component” button to add the component to the list. Add as many components to the item as needed to produce the product.

We will skip the route tab for now as a whole section will be dedicated to route steps later on. The warehouse tab is used to display the item quantity at each of the business warehouse. The warehouse dashboard shows the warehouse name, the bin, the minimum on hand, maximum on hand, and the purchase quantity. These fields can be easily sorted by clicking on the column heads. To add a new warehouse item, click the “Add New Warehouse” button. Select the warehouse by warehouse ID, this list should already be pre-populated. Enter the warehouse bin number, the cycle of the warehouse, the minimum on hand at any given time, the maximum on hand, the reorder point for the item, and the purchase quantity. After you have completed these steps, click the “Create Warehouse Item” button to wrap up this process. Warehouse items can be edited by clicking on the warehouse name, then clicking the “Edit” action button. 

Inventory Transactions

The Transactions tab shows the user all inventory transactions for the item that have taken place in the transaction section. If you are just creating this inventory item, it is likely that no transaction history will be displayed at this time. The user can search and sort through the list of transactions by clicking on the column headers, or bar typing query in the search bar. The user can also choose how many transaction entries are displayed per page by selecting a value in the show entries drop down list. The user can also filter transaction entries by warehouse using the warehouse drop down list located on the page.

Extra Item Descriptions

The Description and Specification tabs are very self-explanatory. You can use them to input info about the item. In the Description tab, the three areas of input are Default, Specification, and Web. In the Specification tab, there is only one input box for the user to write details regarding the technical or other specs of the item or product. Once the user has finished typing up the description and specs of the product, click save changes to save and finalize this process.
The Attachment tab lets the user attach various types of file to the item to be uploaded to the Tekoa ERP system.  To begin this process, select the “Add a New Attachment” button on the left hand side of the page. Give the attachment a title, a type from the type drop down list, a status, public or private, a code, and last but not least, browse for the image or document that you wish to attach to the item. Once you are finish, click the “Create Attachment” button to upload the attachment and finish the process.

Web Commerce Product Information

The meta tab and info tab allow the user to add metadata and additional info to the item. The meta tab lets the user enter meta keywords and a meta description. The info tab displays the date created, and the date that the item was last modified. This completes the inventory item creation process. Click “Save Changes” to save all changes to your item, or click the “Delete” button to delete this or any other item the user has created.

In conclusion, the Inventory portion of the TEKOA ERP is a very powerful and effective way to manage, keep track, and move your inventory.


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