What Sets You Apart at Work?
By: Zayne Hamilton

1. Be
Smart with Your Time
Nothing is more annoying than walking out
of your office and seeing your employees not really doing anything. So many instead of playing another round of
cupboard basketball, sit down with your coworkers and tackle that plan that you’re
all afraid to make.
2. Don’t
Be Afraid to Fail
What? Isn’t success the main part
of being a good employee? Well yes, but no one will get everything right all
the time. So taking the time to ask some hard questions about exactly what you
did wrong on a project will help you know what you can do better. In his
article on how Millennials are better office workers, Peter Economy points this
out. He says, “They'll ask questions, ask for promotions, and ask why
they didn't do the job correctly. Feedback is definitely the most important
thing a person could receive--and millennials aren't afraid to go get it”
(Economy, 1).
3. Go
Out of Your Way to Help
Now we all know a person who is in
your face all the time, wanting to make everything right. That’s not healthy.
But when an employer sees that you are a team player, and want to do what’s
best for the company, they appreciate that. So maybe pick up an extra task here
and there to take off some of the pressure from your boss.
So, in conclusion, time management,
failure, and willingness are three key components to being a team player.
Putting these things into practice will really set you apart at work.